Dream big little one

Since the beginning of time, we have been encouraged to dream big.

We were told that there is no mountain too high to climb and no river too deep to explore.

Somewhere along the way, those dreams may have faded.

Can we allow ourselves to dream again?

Do you believe that you can make your dreams come true?

What could be more valuable than life itself?

And what is stopping you from reaching greatness?

Take a moment to ask yourself, what do I want to achieve?

With our coaching, we can help make it happen.

© Copyright 2018

Why is balance important and what can coaching do for me?

Balance is the state of equilibrium and harmony achieved when different elements or forces are in proper proportion or alignment. It is the ability to maintain stability and steadiness, both physically and metaphorically. In a physical sense, balance refers to the ability to distribute weight evenly, enabling us to stay upright and move smoothly.

Metaphorically, balance encompasses finding a middle ground,avoiding extremes, and achieving a sense of overall well-being. It involves managing various aspects of life, such as work and personal life, emotions and rationality, and self-care and responsibilities, in a way that promotes a sense of harmony and fulfillment.

Striving for balance allows us to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience, fostering a sense of peace and contentment.

Professional Guidance provides globally recognized ICI Licensed Expert Coaching to individuals who desire change or need coaching to reach a specific goal or regain balance.

There are no limitations to what coaching can offer you, whether it's handling stress, anxiety, and depression, maintaining happiness and joy, or striving for greatness.

Through coaching, you will experience personal and interpersonal development that will have a lasting impact.

Make conscious choices today.


As Expert Coaches, we are the best in our field and have years of experience coaching clients.

What is coaching?

Coaching is a thought provoking and creative process, that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential

Profesional Guidance will through partnering with clients contribute to your growth whatever your desire is.

Our beliefs

1: You Will Become Your Thoughts

2: You Can Choose To Master Your Mind

3: You Are The Key To Your Life And Ambitions

4: Acceptance Of Change Is The Key To Balance

Book sessions with our licensed ICI Certified Expert Coaches or contact us for further information. We offer meetings in English, Danish, Swedish and Farsi. Online or in person.

How to execute?

To make lasting changes, it is important to understand that our identity is formed from childhood through the connections of neurons in our brains. These processes combine our thoughts, experiences, and environment to shape who we are.

In order to create permanent change and achieve our goals, we must take control of our thoughts and create new experiences. Professional Guidance Coaching helps you consciously and unconsciously open your mind to new possibilities.

Contact us for more information.

Do you want to achieve superior personal development? Let's design your Mental Training Program.

Since the 1980s, mental training has been used in elite sports to help athletes become the best in their field. Mental training harnesses the incredible potential of your brain, allowing you to take control and ensure it works for you, not against you.


Mental training offers numerous benefits that are well-documented in scientific research. These include:

  • Increased calmness and clarity
  • Improved tolerance and resilience
  • Reduced stress, depression, and anxiety, leading to balance
  • Enhanced self-awareness and reflection
  • Increased goal achievement and satisfaction
  • Better sleep quality


Professional Guidance provides customized mental training programs during coaching sessions to ensure that your brain supports you on your journey of change.

Experiencing sublimity, or a sense of awe and transcendence, can be a deeply personal and subjective experience. Here are a few suggestions that may help you cultivate moments of sublimity:


1. Connect with nature: Spend time in natural environments that inspire you, such as mountains,forests, or the ocean. Observe the beauty and grandeur of the natural world, allowing yourself to be fully present in the moment.


2. Engage in creative pursuits: Explore artistic expressions like painting, writing, or playing music. These activities can tap into your inner creativity and provide a sense of transcendence.


3. Seek out meaningful experiences: Engage in activities that align with your values and passions.This could involve volunteering, participating in spiritual practices, or iengage yourself in cultural events that resonate with you


4. Practice mindfulness and meditation: Cultivate a regular mindfulness or meditation practice to develop a deeper awareness of the present moment. This can help you appreciatethe beauty and wonder that exists in everyday life


5. Embrace moments of awe: Be open to experiencing awe in the ordinary. Pay attention to the small details, like a breathtaking sunset or the laughter of loved ones. Allow yourself to be fully present and savor these moments


6. Reflect on gratitude:Take time to reflect on the things you are grateful for in your life. This practice can shift your perspective and help you recognize the beauty and abundance that surrounds you.


Remember, experiencing sublimity is a personal journey, and what brings awe and transcendence to one person may differ from another. Stay open, curious, and receptive to the world around you, and allow yourself to be moved by the extraordinary moments that life has to offer.